Review of Pangu by Kangertech

Kangertech was, is and will be one of the most active manufacturers in the electronic cigarette market. I wouldn’t say that they are churning out new devices, but we certainly don’t have to wait long. On the agenda is a new Pangu tank, which is created for those who do not like to get their hands dirty, in the truest sense of the phrase 🙂

Pangu by Kangertech

For a very long time, Kangertech has been releasing its atomizers in the Subtank Styled style, but this time they did not deviate from this concept either. The tank is unremarkable and is made in a design that is completely familiar to us. australian vape shop adelaide By the way, the tank is very reminiscent of the Aspire Cleito, and inside I would even say that they are twin brothers. All the insides of the new product from Kenger are too similar. But don’t stop there, let’s move on.

Pangu by Kangertech

Everything interesting starts inside. For this atomizer they have released a new line of replacement evaporators CHC (Clean Hand Coils). In fact, everything is simple, the task of evaporators is to leave your hands clean and dry when changing the evaporator. This goal is achieved very simply; the evaporator is both a shaft and a drip tip, thereby rising above the liquid, and its top always remains dry. All you need to do is just pull it out by the top and insert a new one, while your hands will remain dry and it only takes a few seconds.

Pangu by Kangertech

The disadvantage of this system is that only standard evaporators can be used in the tank, of which there are not so many. So far I know of only two – on 316L stainless steel at 0.5 ohm and on Nichrome at 1.5 ohm.

Pangu by Kangertech

The tank volume is 3.5 ml, which is not so small, considering that the maximum power for evaporators is 50 W. Refilling is from the top of a bucket, and will not cause problems even for very green beginners. The airflow is located according to the standard at the bottom of the atomizer. It is adjusted by turning the adjustment ring.

Pangu by Kangertech

Well, overall the tank is not even bad. The only thing that confuses me, or rather even repels me, is the number of available evaporators. It is not just small, but negligibly small! The idea of such evaporators is not new, but Kangertech were able to refine, improve and present it in a completely different, better light. The only thing I would like to see as soon as possible is an expansion of the line of evaporators. Otherwise, the tank is super and is perfect for beginners, for whom it is designed.