Review of Primus 300w TC by Koopor

Just as we moved into an era where 200 watt box mods are the norm, Koopor decided to raise the bar to 300 watts and released the Primus 300W TC box mod

Primus 300w TC by Koopor

The design, in my opinion, is very funny, because personally it reminds me of a grater :D. But in reality, this is just perforation, which is designed to cool the device, since you must understand that 300 watts is not a joke. Even though it looks funny, I definitely like this design. I don’t have the exact dimensions, but it will definitely be large and heavy, especially with three batteries. The controls are located at the top. On the front side there is a screen and +/- buttons, on the side there is a Fire button. In general, I have no complaints about the ease of use of the controls. online vape shop australia The micro-usb connector is located at the bottom of the case, as are the holes for removing gases from the battery compartment.

Primus 300w TC by Koopor

Now to the technical side. Adjustable power range from 1 to 300 W

TK is available on nickel, titanium and stainless steel with a limit of 200-600 F and 100-315.5 C

It is also possible to update the firmware.

I did not find any data on the minimum resistance of an atom on the offsite.

Primus 300w TC by Koopor

The box mod runs on three 18650 batteries; the battery compartment opens like a cabinet door and is secured with powerful magnets. You won’t be able to charge via micro-usb, so you’ll have to purchase a separate charger and most likely three identical 18650 batteries, or even six.

Primus 300w TC by Koopor

The pin is brass, spring-loaded and judging by the size of the box mod, you can screw the largest atomizers here.

To be honest, I don’t understand who would need such a powerful box mod; personally, I have never vaped at a power higher than 120 watts, not counting the fatty coils with noise cricket that melted my drip tip :D. And for autonomy there is the RX200, which also has 3 batteries. Yes, it has 200 watts, but who honestly uses its maximum power all the time? Units? And it’s clearly cheaper than our guest. So my opinion is that the mod will not be popular, but it will obviously be purchased for the collection.