Review of Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

It’s been a long time since I made announcements of such unusual devices. Automatic coiljig is on our agenda, unexpected, isn’t it? I definitely haven’t seen anything like this before, but, to be honest, the idea of automatic coiljig came to me about a year ago. I was wondering why no one had come up with it yet, but somehow I quickly forgot about this idea. Apparently, my idea came to the guys from Pilot Vape 😀

I present to you the Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig from Pilot Vape.

Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

Most of all, in appearance, the device reminds me of a single mech mod (well, or some kind of iJust 2). A metal tube, a black button of an unusual shape and a huge logo on half the body with the name of the company and the name of the device. australian vape shop perth That’s all that I can highlight, it looks quite simple, and such a device shouldn’t stand out, only its functionality is important.

Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

At the bottom of the case there is a battery compartment cover, on top there is something like a cartridge drill, which is hidden under a cover with holes for the wire. This whole design runs on 18350 batteries and this is a huge minus, because you just won’t find them, and they won’t be of any use to you on the farm. It would be better if they made a larger case for 18650 or a built-in battery.

Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

As I said above, the cartridge is hidden under a cover. Frames of various diameters are inserted into it and clamped with a bolt. The set includes frames from 2 to 3.5 mm in increments of 0.5 mm. They are fixed tightly, you should not have these problems. 

Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

The 3.5 mm frame has two through holes at the end, so you can easily wind a pigtail of 2 or 4 wires. Also, according to the manufacturer, this miracle machine is capable of winding klepton, but I have not yet understood how this is possible.

Pilot Vape Coil Magician Automatic Coil Jig

That’s basically all I could tell you about this device. Will it be a replacement for a screwdriver? Definitely not. But for those who wind microcoils, parallels and pigtails, such a device will clearly be to their taste due to its compactness. I am more than sure that more advanced devices of this kind will appear soon, the main thing is that Pilot Vape sowed the seed of discord. Competition, in my opinion, is the engine of progress, just like laziness. The main thing is that in six months the market will not be filled with similar devices, because as we know, this is often practiced, especially with atomizers. This strange thing costs about 30 dollars, for the same money I bought myself a screwdriver, which has served me faithfully for more than six months.